Thursday 26 April 2012


I had a chance to read 1984 by George Orwell with this project.And I and my friend Leyla Özdemir designed a brochure about Oceania in 1984 by using glogster. Consequently we learned to use glogster with which we can make everything in an enjoyable way to introduce or teach everything that we want to people.

Thursday 19 April 2012

'Slumdog Millionnaire'

     I listened an interwiev between Danny Boyle and Francin Stock. During this process, I definitely learned to be more patient. I listened it again and again. I was sometimes angry with the speed of their speech. Actually, it wasn't so funny for me. But,even if it was difficult for me, I finally achieved to understand them.And here I shared the summary of this interwiev for you.

      Danny Boyle was interviewed and the interviewer was Francin Stock.Francine Stock talks to Danny Boyle about his award-winning Mumbai drama, Slumdog Millionaire
      Francin Stocks starts interwiev by asking him 'Here you are as a westerner filming in India how do you avoid that kind of 'film tourism' element?'. 
      Danny Boyle answers her 'That was the most important thing to avoid from my prespective. White people visit far flung places and use them as exotic backdrops, they feel particularly inappropriate in like a new century. And although I am like a white director going there,it was very important that the cast of the film was a completely Indian cast.These characters all come from the city and they belong there and they are not speaking words corrected by westerners.'
     The second question is that 'what are you asking us to do,I mean there is no point in reading it in  realistic?the idea that this boy from the slums can get way up to the sort of the late very lucrative stages isn't so realistic.' 
      The answer from Danny Boyle is like that ': Except there are all sorts of rumors that it was based on a true story. He can answer all these questions. His life has equipped him to do that and I think that point is realistic that no matter what your apparent,education life has also equipped you with a series of tools that you will find surprisingly useful which he certainly does on the show.'
      Another question is again asked by Francine Stock : ' permission to actually use the format of "Who Wants to be a Millionare" how did you get that? ' 
      The answer is like that it was a coincidence 'Its actually down to this woman Tessa Ross who runs a Film 4. She had commissioned Simon to adapt the bulk than sent his application to Celedor who are a company and they had sold it but they had very craftily kept the right to make a film , they didnt have to pay for the music, the image rights any of that they were allowed to make it.So we inherited the right to make the film for free from that point of view so that was a huge benefit which is partly coincedence and partly Tessa Ross of Film4 of course.
      The other question about something on the streets of Mumbai teach anything Danny Boyle had never come across as a director.
      The answer of this question is given by Danny Boyle like that , 'it is the most extraordinary oppurtunity to grab life.There is so much life going on there.You have to abandon disciplines like continuity and repetition. And what you find is the frustrations that you might think might occur because you cant follow the usual disciplines.
      In this interwiev, Danny Boyle talks about the difficulties of filming in a different town with different culture, the name of the film, the subtitles, the topic of the film. He also compares his own film with France films. For more information listen to the interwiev.

My Personal Questions
1) Do you think why does your film draw much attention all over the world? 
2) what is the most important thing in the film? what do you try to give your audience as a message?

Thursday 12 April 2012

The Dog and The Wolf

    Click here to download The Fable The Dog and The Wolf as pdf ,

    Click here to see my plan while creating my fable.

   Here , there is a didactic story created by using animals. We wrote the fable by following the given instructions.

   We hope you like it.